Wow what a change in the weather! We have been cooking in the hot weather at the farm but have carried on with all our daily tasks as best we can!
We decided to have a go at making our own hay this year from the winter paddocks. This has a couple of benefits as we know what is going into it (weed free) and it is cheaper to make. A local farmer came in to do the work for us and we are really pleased with how it has turned out. We have counted around 100 bales from 3 acres which is a great start to our new adventure! We will be having a go at it again next year with the aim to become self sustainable in the equine area.
Storing the bales was excruciating in this hot weather but it’s now all done and wont be used until the cold weather hits us! The equine groups have been joking that when we start using the hay we will be complaining about the cold weather and wishing we had the heat again!
The warm weather has ripened up all the fruit in the vegetable beds and we have a variety of berries in abundance! We have gooseberries, black currants, raspberries, black berries, red currants and logan berries.
As a result of this the kitchen team have been making all sorts of jams ready to use later in the year! We have really enjoyed making our own produce for humans and horses this week, the farm is continuing to grow in so many different ways!