We always start most of our blogs telling you how busy the past month has been but August has been spectacularly busy! The gardening teams have all been out keeping on top of local residents grass and hedges. The landscaping team over at CGS in Chelmsley wood have also been doing some pretty impressive garden makeovers as you can see below…
N Power have come back to the farm again and helped to finish off the beach garden, some pruning around the chicken area and some fencing around the boundary of the farm. Check out the mural they painted inside of the beach hut…
We have baby budgies emerging in the aviary, we have three new arrivals at the moment with another three more fertile eggs due any day! Budgies don’t use any nesting material but are super mothers and keep the chicks warm! We try not to disturb them during the first few weeks but do have to keep on eye on how clean the nests are as some of the moms need a bit of help with housekeeping!
Finally we have a new member of the farm arriving tomorrow, we will reveal all tomorrow…