Check out our weaved willow structure in the recycled garden! The horticulture team made it in the winter and it has now sprung into life. All of the gardens at the farm are starting to show the early signs of growth and will soon be full of colour!
Our lambs are coming on really well and get bigger each day! They are also getting much braver and love the camera!
Thank you to all that donated for our mud run! We raised over £4000 thanks to your generosity and we are now looking for a tractor to buy for the project workers to use. We will hopefully have it in time to show off at our Spring sales day on 3rd June 1-3pm. We will post more details of the sales day nearer the time.
Terrance has now woken up from his hibernation!He kept us all on our toes as it took him two weeks before he had his first nibble of food! As you can see now, his appetite is no longer a problem! He loves dandelions…