
Jumping Into January
We quickly got stuck back into all our projects after Christmas at the farm which has kept us busy and warm in this crazy wintry weather we've been having. The two baby rabbits have spent the last few weeks getting to know our older rabbit 'chicken' (a rather confusing name which was picked out of a hat!). They have been meeting each other in the run for the last couple of weeks and they have now finally joined Chicken in the big rabbit hutch at night! The new years means that we start looking towards lambing time! When checking the…

Winter Wonderland
All the snow certainly seemed to bring Christmas in with a bang! The pregnant ewes were top of our list for food and water and they were pretty keen to be fed! The woodland is continuing through its re-generation process and it is really starting to take shape! We also have some fantastic native plants to put in the under growth which will encourage more wildlife. There is lots going on with the veg beds but for now it is safely tucked away under a layer of compost! The winter pots on the other hand are showing off in all…

Christmas Sales Day! 1/12/17 11-3pm (Blog)
Christmas sales day is this week and we have lots of lovely treats for you to purchase ready for Christmas! We have heaps of homemade jams, chutneys and apple juice for you to browse as well as some woodwork crafts and calendars. We have also partnered up with We Tree Kings again and will be selling trees directly from the farm and from Morrisons Solihull. If you are going to buy a real tree this year be sure to check us out as they are such a good quality! The animals will also be out and about to meet everyone…

Farming and fundraising with friends
October has been an incredible month at the farm where we have been joined by so many people lending us a helping hand. It started when we were joined by Wallace Robinson & Morgan solicitors who came and gave us a hand harvesting loads of produce from the vegetable beds as well as log splitting and weeding the vegetable beds. We are still in complete shock at the size of the parsnips which appeared ha ha! Our second set of helping hands came from Jaguar Landrover who joined us over two days to help replace our vegetable patch fencing! This…

Juicing and Jamming
Farm life is busy as ever so here's a snapshot of whats been going on! There is always plenty of fencing to be re-done at the farm and we have now started at the bottom of the farm field. We are trying to replace it in stages so that all the fields can still be used with no escapees! Its always so satisfying to stand back and check out all your hard work with a nice fence! The tortoises are a great indicator of the changing seasons as they start to slow down and prepare to hibernate. Terrance and Tequila…

Animal updates
You might have seen our post earlier in the week where cheese the cat was sat in the duck bowl, yesterday he clearly wanted to change species again and decided to be a sheep ha ha! He is a great farm cat, he does his job as well as being a huge fuss pot! The pigs are growing fast and are really enjoying the huge amount of space they have in their paddock! Don't be fooled by how clean they look in this picture they love nothing more than having a good roll in the mud around the water drinker...…

Bees, BBQs and Butterflies
What a scorcher July has been! It has been another busy month at the farm with lots of weddings taking place in the tipi! The bees have finally arrived and are settling in well. They have already been busy collecting nectar from the vegetable beds and we are all looking forward to trying some of their honey next year! We have welcomed some new additions to the farm today who are yet to be named. As most of you know we always end up giving them very unique names and we are sure pulling their names out of the hat…
Lex Autolease give us a makeover
On Tuesday a team of 39 came to lend us a hand from Lex Autolease who are part of Lloyds Banking group. We set the team several hard challenges with the hope that they would make a start on them for us. Well they completely smashed our goals and finished all the projects we set them! The arena fencing has looked more and more tipsy over the past 6 months and so a team set to work getting the old posts out and setting some new ones in place. Many of the old posts were heavily concreted into place and…

Goat Goals
Our good friends from Loyds joined us from all over the country again on Wednesday to help us with another mammoth challenge! This time there was a deadline to the task as the team had some new arrivals to get the enclosure ready for, three baby goats! Thirty five willing employees from Lloyds joined us to help build the new enclosure which required a lot of muscle power! Over thirty posts had to be bashed into the ground before the group could even begin with the wire fencing on top and the gravel boards at the bottom. There were also…